For Admin, Please


Applicants can fill the on-line form from his/her residence or cyber cafe or any other location where computer, internet and printer facilities are available.

Applicants are requested to keep the following ready before they start filling the forms

(a) Scanned copy of the Passport Photograph of max file size of 50 kb with JPEG/JPG extension.

(b) Scanned copy of the Signature of max. file size of 30 kb with JPEG/JPG extension.

(c) Scanned copy of the Birth Certificate of max. file size of 200 kb with JPEG/JPG extension.

(d) Scanned copy of the Domicial Certificate of max. file size of 200 kb with JPEG/JPG extension. The Domicile certificate can be PRC, Birth Certificate, Voter ID of candidate or parents, Adhar card of candidate or parent, Family Ration Card, NRC of Candidate or parent.

(e) Scanned copy of the Maticulation Marksheet, Matriculation Pass Certificate, HS Marksheet, HS Pass Certificate of max. file size of 200 kb with JPEG/JPG extension.

(f) If the student apply for reserved category, then scanned copy of the Caste Certificate of max. file size of 200 kb with JPEG/JPG extension.If the Caste Certificate is not available, student can upload his/her fathers Caste Certificate.

(g) The Bank Passbook Copy of max. file size of 200 kb with JPEG/JPG extension. The candidate are asked to upload their own Bank Passbook Copy.


Log on to the college website

The first screen shows the rules and procedures of online form fill-up. Go through the rules and ones it is completed check the box below and click the submit button.

Name & Gender: Please enter your name as mentioned in your Class X or XII Mark Sheet. Choose your gender.

Email ID: The applicant has to enter his/her own valid & functional Email ID which will be used for the application process and subsequent communications upon registration.

Mobile No: The applicant has to enter his/her own valid & functional mobile no which will be used for the application process and subsequent communications upon registration.

Verification Code (CAPTCHA): Student has to enter the verification code visible in the image. The verification code is case sensitive, so enter the verification code correctly. Applicant can change the verification code by clicking the Refresh image. Wrong entry of verification code will generate an error.

For Existing User, Please select/Click the “Login” button. A new pop up screen will be displayed where the applicant has to enter the Registration No and Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY format) as password.


Applicants are requested to note that only those names whose application process is completed & has made the payment will be considered for generation of Merit List and Admission.

Please Select the class for admission:

  Declaration: I have gone through the rules and regulations of the college and promise to obey them all as stated above as well as in the prospectus.

Mayang Anchalik College : Online Application Form

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